By Juliana McMillan-Wilhoit

Join Flourish & Thrive Labs for our monthly lunchtime connection conversations! These conversations are geared towards people working in local public health departments in the US, but anyone is welcome. Join us for these exciting opportunities to network in public health.

Our LPH Coffee & Connect are a casual conversation about a topic focusing on connection. Here’s how a typical conversation goes:

  • I. Introductions We introduce ourselves and give space to those looking for work to do a 45-second intro and those with job postings to provide space for that!
  • II. Topic Presentation: The F&T Labs Team will present on this month’s topic. These presentations are short and focused on getting you thinking while also providing something that applies to your work!
  • III. Breakout room #1! We want to focus on building connections! You will be put into a breakout room with other practitioners.  You will have some questions related to the presentation that you can discuss– or you can network and discuss any topic! 
  • IV: Breakout room #2: You’ll move into a second breakout room to keep meeting new faces! Again, you can discuss the provided questions or another topic of your choice.
  • V: Wrap-up: We wrap it up by the 55-minute mark so you can have a few minutes before your next meeting!

Join our inclusive monthly public health networking conversations to meet others across public health departments, build your professional connections, and explore ideas together!

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